2023: let’s start here.

we’re back! and the energy is feeling good this year. we’re moving into our sixth year with promise, excitement and the same, genuine curiosities that have brought us along this far.

this project has bloomed into a wonderful thing, and we can’t wait to share all the new developments and additions to the platforms with you over the year.

this is a quick look into some of the new features we’re adding to our platform and a quick introduction to the new residents joining Lilies Radio.

meet our first wave of Lilies Radio residents

a whole new host of shows from the bubbling underground of Johannesburg + beyond are coming to Lilies Radio.

expect new regular shows from hübsch, Sean Covele, Circles & Squares and Bon Bon Vie; and returning shows from KADDYLACRADIO, Dogon Teleskope, Hlengi and many more.


in words was an idea I had in 2021 where I could explore more text-based works - from cover features, essays, interviews, album + film recommendations & interviews - and find the links we can make to our radio and label platforms.

beyond that, this is a great space to regularly update you on what’s happening with us across the board and, much like in all our work, we really want this section to feel like a conversation between us.

in words is part-journal, part-diary, and a place for a range of guest writers, editors, artists and creatives to share their thoughts, ideas and work with you - in words.


the lilies video club is our space to share our original video works, commissioned short films + documentaries, and regular film recommendations from various guest contributors. this used to be housed under a “film” category on the platform - but this shift opens up a lot more space for what we’d like to do with it.


we hope this gives you a good look at the things we’ve got coming over the next few months. keep your eyes peeled on our social media channels and website for more updates!


looking back: Feb - April ‘23