is our supporter-led funding drive - where you can become a sustaining supporter of lilies and all the work we do.

since we started in 2017, we have relied on record sales, merchandise, events and personal funds to keep ourselves running - and that won’t stop. but, financial support from you will only further sustain and help us grow.

through a simple, pay-what-you-can model, lilies' Seeds will help us create more forward-thinking and original work across our platforms, brought to you by our unique hub of creatives across South Africa, and beyond.

you: special event & merchandise discounts, early access to new label releases & exclusive work, and .

a portion of these funds will go directly towards all our contributors, too.

Our current goals:

  • expand our team to manage our studio and digital platforms

  • maintain and improve the new Lilies Radio studio

  • further develop our website

  • facilitate new workshops, programs + events

  • produce more work for our editorial and video sections